Our website is dedicated to sharing our love and knowledge of miniature schnauzers with others. Our goal is to educate people about the breed, including its standard characteristics and temperament. We believe that by sharing this information, we can help people make informed decisions about whether a miniature schnauzer is the right breed for them. Whether you are a long-time schnauzer enthusiast or just learning about the breed, we hope our website will be a valuable resource for you.

Along our journey, we've had the privilege of meeting exceptional individuals who've earned our deepest respect and admiration. Their willingness to share expert advice and guidance has been invaluable. We're grateful for the numerous people who've contributed to our growth, offering insights that have helped shape our approach. Each day brings new opportunities to learn, refine our breeding program, and enhance the lives of our beloved schnauzers.
Tim started out with pet schnauzers and did grooming, obedience training and showing some with obedience; Eduardo got his first schnauzer from Tims Evita Perrona's first litter. We together decided to get involved in confirmation, wanted to improve our line and learned how to handle and show groom including rolling and stripping.
A huge thanks to Carma Ewer who put us on the right path acting as our mentor, helping us finish Tim's first to be champion Pinnacle Full of Grace and Co-owing Atomic Paradox with Eduardo and earning his Champion was an exciting experience.

Welcome Rosa Moreno to Selfridge Schnauzers!
Rosa brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise, holding degrees from the prestigious National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) in veterinary medicine and animal science, with a focus on nutrition, dog reproduction, and training. As a valued member of our team, Rosa will show our dogs in Mexico and provide expert care for our dogs based there.

We're excited to complement Rosa's skills with our experience in handling, showing, grooming, and breeding, and look forward to learning from her veterinary expertise. Together, we'll continue to raise exceptional Miniature Schnauzers, and we're delighted to have Rosa join our family!
Official Standard of the Miniature Schnauzer
General Appearance: The Miniature Schnauzer is a robust, active dog of terrier type, resembling his larger cousin, the Standard Schnauzer, in general appearance, and of an alert, active disposition. Faults - Type - Toyishness, ranginess or coarseness.
Size, Proportion, Substance: Size - From 12 to 14 inches. He is sturdily built, nearly square in proportion of body length to height with plenty of bone, and without any suggestion of toyishness. Disqualifications - Dogs or bitches under 12 inches or over 14 inches.
Head: Eyes - Small, dark brown and deep-set. They are oval in appearance and keen in expression. Faults - Eyes light and/or large and prominent in appearance. Ears - When cropped, the ears are identical in shape and length, with pointed tips. They are in balance with the head and not exaggerated in length. They are set high on the skull and carried perpendicularly at the inner edges, with as little bell as possible along the outer edges. When uncropped, the ears are small and V-shaped, folding close to the skull. Head - strong and rectangular, its width diminishing slightly from ears to eyes, and again to the tip of the nose. The forehead is unwrinkled. The topskull is flat and fairly long. The foreface is parallel to the topskull, with a slight stop, and it is at least as long as the topskull. The muzzle is strong in proportion to the skull; it ends in a moderately blunt manner, with thick whiskers which accentuate the rectangular shape of the head. Faults - Head coarse and cheeky. The teeth meet in a scissors bite. That is, the upper front teeth overlap the lower front teeth in such a manner that the inner surface of the upper incisors barely touches the outer surface of the lower incisors when the mouth is closed. Faults - Bite - Undershot or overshot jaw. Level bite.
Neck, Topline, Body: Neck - Strong and well arched, blending into the shoulders, and with the skin fitting tightly at the throat. Body- Short and deep, with the brisket extending at least to the elbows. Ribs are well sprung and deep, extending well back to a short loin. The underbody does not present a tucked up appearance at the flank. The backline is straight; it declines slightly from the withers to the base of the tail. The withers form the highest point of the body. The overall length from chest to buttock appears to equal the height at the withers. Faults - Chest too broad or shallow in brisket. Hollow or roach back. Tail - set high and carried erect. It is docked only long enough to be clearly visible over the backline of the body when the dog is in proper length of coat. A properly presented Miniature Schnauzer will have a docked tail as described; all others should be severely penalized. Fault - Tail set too low.
Forequarters: Forelegs are straight and parallel when viewed from all sides. They have strong pasterns and good bone. They are separated by a fairly deep brisket which precludes a pinched front. The elbows are close, and the ribs spread gradually from the first rib so as to allow space for the elbows to move close to the body. Fault - Loose elbows. The sloping shoulders are muscled, yet flat and clean. They are well laid back, so that from the side the tips of the shoulder blades are in a nearly vertical line above the elbow. The tips of the blades are placed closely together. They slope forward and downward at an angulation which permits the maximum forward extension of the forelegs without binding or effort. Both the shoulder blades and upper arms are long, permitting depth of chest at the brisket. Feet short and round (cat feet) with thick, black pads. The toes are arched and compact.
Hindquarters: The hindquarters have strong-muscled, slanting thighs. They are well bent at the stifles. There is sufficient angulation so that, in stance, the hocks extend beyond the tail. The hindquarters never appear overbuilt or higher than the shoulders. The rear pasterns are short and, in stance, perpendicular to the ground and, when viewed from the rear, are parallel to each other. Faults - Sickle hocks, cow hocks, open hocks or bowed hindquarters.
Coat: Double, with hard, wiry, outer coat and close undercoat. The head, neck, ears, chest, tail, and body coat must be plucked. When in show condition, the body coat should be of sufficient length to determine texture. Close covering on neck, ears and skull. Furnishings are fairly thick but not silky. Faults - Coat too soft or too smooth and slick in appearance.
Color: Allowed colors: salt and pepper, black and silver and solid black. All colors have uniform skin pigmentation, i.e. no white or pink skin patches shall appear anywhere on the dog and the nose must be solid black.
Salt and Pepper - The typical salt and pepper color of the topcoat results from the combination of black and white banded hairs and solid black and white unbanded hairs, with the banded hairs predominating. Acceptable are all shades of salt and pepper, from the light to dark mixtures with tan shadings permissible in the banded or unbanded hair of the topcoat. In salt and pepper dogs, the salt and pepper mixture fades out to light gray or silver white in the eyebrows, whiskers, cheeks, under throat, inside ears, across chest, under tail, leg furnishings, and inside hind legs. It may or may not also fade out on the underbody. However, if so, the lighter underbody hair is not to rise higher on the sides of the body than the front elbows.
Black and Silver - The black and silver generally follows the same pattern as the salt and pepper. The entire salt and pepper section must be black. The black color in the topcoat of the black and silver is a true rich color with black undercoat. The stripped portion is free from any fading or brown tinge and the underbody should be dark.
Black - Black is the only solid color allowed. Ideally, the black color in the topcoat is a true rich glossy color with the undercoat being less intense, a soft matting shade of black. This is natural and should not be penalized in any way. The stripped portion is free from any fading or brown tinge. The scissored and clippered areas have lighter shades of black. A small white spot on the chest is permitted, as is an occasional single white hair elsewhere on the body.
Disqualifications - Dogs not of an allowed color or white striping, patching, or spotting on the colored areas of the dog, except for the small white spot permitted on the chest of the black. The body coat color in salt and pepper and black and silver dogs fades out to light gray or silver white under the throat and across the chest. Between them there exists a natural body coat color. Any irregular or connecting blaze or white mark in this section is considered a white patch on the body, which is also a disqualification. Nose any color other than solid black.
Gait: The trot is the gait at which movement is judged. When approaching, the forelegs, with elbows close to the body, move straight forward, neither too close nor too far apart. Going away, the hind legs are straight and travel in the same planes as the forelegs.
Note - It is generally accepted that when a full trot is achieved, the rear legs continue to move in the same planes as the forelegs, but a very slight inward inclination will occur. It begins at the point of the shoulder in front and at the hip joint in the rear. Viewed from the front or rear, the legs are straight from these points to the pads. The degree of inward inclination is almost imperceptible in a Miniature Schnauzer that has correct movement. It does not justify moving close, toeing in, crossing, or moving out at the elbows. Viewed from the side, the forelegs have good reach, while the hind legs have strong drive, with good pickup of hocks. The feet turn neither inward nor outward. Faults - Single tracking, sidegaiting, paddling in front, or hackney action. Weak rear action.
Temperament: The typical Miniature Schnauzer is alert and spirited, yet obedient to command. He is friendly, intelligent and willing to please. He should never be overaggressive or timid.
Disqualifications: Dogs or bitches under 12 inches or over 14 inches. Dogs not of an allowed color or white striping, patching, or spotting on the colored areas of the dog, except for the small white spot permitted on the chest of the black. The body coat color in salt and pepper and black and silver fades out to light gray or silver white under the throat and across the chest. Between them there exists a natural body coat color. Any irregular or connecting blaze or white mark in this section is considered a white patch on the body, which is also a disqualification. Nose any color other than solid black.
Approved July 10, 2012 Effective September 04, 2012
History of the Miniature Schnauzer
The Miniature Schnauzer (or Zwergschnauzer) is very similar in type to the Standard Schnauzer. The Schnauzers of all sizes are classified as “working dogs” in Europe and other countries where the FCI standards are followed, but in the United States, only the Giant and the Standard Schnauzer are classified as “working dogs”. The Miniature has always been in the Terrier Group, and continues to be judged as a terrier. This explains some of the differences between the Miniature and the other Schnauzer Breeds.
The Miniature Schnauzer has three accepted color varieties in the United States. The AMSC recognizes Salt and Pepper, Black, and Black and Silver. Although White Miniatures are being bred and shown around the world, this color is not recognized by the American Miniature Schnauzer Club and cannot be shown in Conformation.
The well-proportioned compactness of the Miniature probably has much to do with the popularity of the breed, although many fanciers will say that it is his excessively happy and friendly disposition and adaptability as a house pet. The heavy beard that all but hides the muzzle of the Miniature Schnauzer provides him with a comic opera mask behind which he can plan his endearing mischief undetected.
The origin of the Schnauzer is considered as being a cross between the “dog of Boulogne” and the Spitz. The oldest German Kennel Club was founded in 1890. The following year at the Third German International Show in Hanover, with about 900 dogs, wirehaired Pinschers of German breeding were exhibited for the first time. A dog “Schnauzer” won first prize exhibited by the Württemberg Kennel of Burgerbeonberg.
Previous to any show debut, however, the Schnauzer had a long history. There is no question of its being a breed of great antiquity. Albrecht Durer depicted a Schnauzer in a water color “Madonna with the Many Animals” executed in 1492. In a tapestry made about 1501, a representation of the Schnauzer appears.
The Schnauzer (the breed with a beard on the muzzle, the German word for muzzle being schnauze) was used extensively in Germany as a drover’s dog, used to pull carts with produce from the farms to the towns, and guard them while there. He was used as well in herding sheep, cattle, and hogs, and, in fact, doing all the duties of the regulation farm dog. He was also used extensively as a rat catcher, and even in modern times, German Schnauzer Clubs hold periodical “ratting” trials in order to keep the Schnauzer a “working” breed, and not merely a show dog. Here in the U.S., Schnauzers can be seen working in Barn Hunt and Earthdog Trials. The Miniature is an especially good ratter!
The Miniature is said to have come from mating with the Affenpincher. They may have been developed entirely by chance, often the main reason for a new breed. In any case, it has taken its niche in life, both as a show dog, a performance competitor, and as a desirable house pet. Good health, good temperament, and an attractive appearance combine to form the personality of the Miniature Schnauzer. They have been bred for over 116 years and were exhibited as a distinct breed as early as 1899. Miniatures have been bred in the United States since 1925 and the American Miniature Schnauzer Club was formed in August 1933. The Miniature Schnauzer was officially recognized by the AKC in 1926

At Selfridge Schnauzers, we're proud of our accomplishments, having owned and bred multiple champion Schnauzers. However, our greatest pride lies not in the accolades or trophies, but in the unwavering love and devotion we've shared with our beloved dogs. For us, they've never been just show dogs or breeding stock – they're cherished family members, loyal companions, and dedicated therapy dogs.
What brings us joy is remembering our dear friend Tim, whose legacy endures despite his passing. Tim's gentle touch and kind heart inspired us, demonstrating that these incredible animals are integral to our well-being – not just pets, but beloved family members.

Though Tim may be gone, his memory lives on in our hearts and through the countless lives he touched. As breeders, we prioritize temperament, health, and genetic diversity, while preserving the special bond between our Schnauzers and those they touch. We're honored to share our lives with these magnificent creatures and look forward to continuing our journey as stewards of this remarkable breed.